Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Words or Actions?

Alright so, whoever said "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me," was dumb, right? But whoever said "Actions speak louder than words," was a scholar? Right.

Can we all agree with that? Why? Are the statements true? And should they be?

These are the questions that have been eating at me, and hopefully I can shed some light on the subject here. For myself and whoever you are.

I think that the single most powerful thing is when someone uses words backed with actions. A threat is just a joke without the follow through, and a promise just a lie. Words can be empty and hollow, but without them we are unsophisticated like animals, and they can also be quite powerful, life changing even. However actions are extremely strong, and used without words can be extremely calm and peaceful, like a hug or a smile, but also outrageous and brutal, like a punch to the face. If I could only have one, it'd be actions. They are the foundation of words.

But of course, I love words. I have a deep passion for the written word. Words can change the world. Blowing up a building can cause quite a stir, but an article or book can change a civilization's way of thinking. They are so moving and powerful; they can be more beautiful than the thing they're describing if used correctly. They allow you to see into the characters' minds. You can be whoever you're reading about. It's fantastic.

At the same time, sometimes words just aren't enough.

Of course, the answer is annoying; a healthy balance of both will be the strongest.
Food for thought. I don't have a real answer for you. I'm feeling extra cynical tonight. Sorry.

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