Friday, October 22, 2010

Save the Hero

I'll dive right in. In Beyonce's song, 'Save the Hero,' she asks a surprising & simple question. She asks "Who's there to save the hero?"
When listening I thought to myself, 'valid point Beyonce, I'm surprised at you.' 
My point today is to tell you who really is there to save the hero. 
My answer is: no one. 

The hero doesn't need a savior; he is the savior. When Jesus hung on a cross, did anyone save Him? No, & he could have called down an army of angels to help Him. Heck he honestly could have killed all the sinners up in here without even blinking, but He didn't, because He's the hero. 

A hero is "a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities."
And you can't deny that, because I got it from the dictionary. 
It's interesting to me that the definition says that the hero is admired for his deeds and nobility. Often times I think that the hero is cast aside because society cannot see his brave deeds or noble qualities. Does that make him more of a hero? 

I think so. I think that the greatest hero is he who does admirable deeds and possesses noble qualities but does not boast or show these traits only in front of large crowds. The greatest hero is someone who is not noticed in his deeds, maybe even sometimes questioned and even laughed at, but he pushes on because he knows it is right. 

Matthew 5 tells us to let our light shine before men. This at first seems to contradict everything I just said. Thinking about it, letting your light shine is not boasting or showing everyone your good deeds. It means allowing the light inside you that comes not from you, but from the Lord, to flow through you out into the world and others around you. 
You can still be mocked by everyone if your light is shining bright. 
Don't give up hope. 
Food for thought. 

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