Monday, March 29, 2010


I'm Austin. My friends call me Austin. I like people, but I hate people.
I find people interesting; their mannerisms, their styles, their different personalities. I think the most interesting thing about a person is their sense of humor believe it or not. Everyone has a different one, even those who attempt to replicate someone else's. I analyze people based on every little detail. To me everything has a purpose. A person acts a certain way because of something; some intricate action makes me wonder its purpose. I find myself on a regular basis trying to find this purpose in every person and every movement they possess.
At the same time, people bother me. I'm extremely likable (no matter how stuck up it comes off as) but I dislike about 75% of people around me, therefore I'm mean to them and only talk to about 15 to 25 %. Those few people I do talk to I really adore. I'm blessed with the friends I have. What kind of people do I really like? I like people that make me think, people that surprise me. I like people that I can be myself around. I grew up hating the ordinary, hating the structured life. My passions include art and music, and I've taught myself those things for the most part. The reason I find so much joy in them is that they are completely mine. I find pride in the fact that I did not gather my skills from another human being. Of course this is nonsense, as all music and art knowledge inside my head came from multiple humans. It is strange to think that every piece of knowledge we as humans have ever held dear or thought of even for a brief moment comes from all we've learned. Even new inventions and creations are all products of others' thoughts. It's like we take everything we know, and push it into our words, thoughts, actions, and in the end our entire being. I am perplexed, goodnight moon.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing new under the sun. Enjoy the moon.

    Mr. Cox
