Tuesday, March 30, 2010

we love we hate

I find it interesting that we grow accustomed to just about anything.
Let me explain. Say you have a car. It's a ten year old car, no stereo, has a weird smell. You loathe the car, you see other cars on the road and wish they were yours. However when you get this new car it might be great, and you might forget your old car, but if you were to get back in your old car and drive it around, you would remember the feel of it and somewhere deep inside yourself, you would miss it at least a little bit.
It's the same with situations and memories. Maybe a person goes through a difficult time, and it hurts, and it ends. When reminded of that situation, that familiar pang will still ring through that person's heart, because they grew accustomed to that time period.
Thoughts to reflect on as you go about your days.
As my eyes are struggling to keep open, I will leave you for tonight.

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